In today’s hectic, fast-paced world, can you imagine an exercise class where you simply stand still for ten, twenty, or even thirty minutes? And then leave feeling refreshed, as if having had a vigorous workout. Try our free qigong classes with the benefits of meditation, balance and improved health.

About Qigong A form of “standing meditation”, Qigong has been used for nearly three thousand years in China for general health. Qigong offers many benefits including the ability to gain awareness of the body’s “qi”, or energy, and to control it. It also helps to strengthen the body, giving it stamina, as well as increasing mental…

Qigong Sydney Classes A not-for-profit organisation, Qigong Sydney was established to provide Qigong Zhan Zhuang classes to the community. Group classes are free and taught by an experienced instructor – Blaise Beach. Classes run from 10-11 am (1 hour). In the case of bad weather, dates may change. Private lessons are also available. Next scheduled class Please complete…

Qigong Chief Instructor
Chief Instructor Blaise Beach Qigong Experience Instructor Blaise has 30 years experience in martial arts with 23 years in teaching. He commenced training in the UK in Wu Shu Kwan, a full contact Chinese Kickboxing style under the direction of Grandmaster CK Chang. Following a brief period of training in Aikido, he emigrated to Australia…